Higher Education

Dynamic user populations and legacy IT systems put your organisation at risk.

Download the IAM Guide for higher Education

Ever-changing population

Higher education organisations store and process vast amounts of sensitive data on behalf of their users. Continuous student enrolment and graduation results in complex, non-hierarchical structures and ever-changing populations. This data must be protected from potential threats. Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solutions automate tasks involving joiners, movers and leavers to ease the workload of limited IT staff.

Learn more about IGA
IAM for higher education

Your compliance, guaranteed

Higher education organisations have a long list of compliance requirements, including FERPA, HIPAA, HITECH and GDPR. Strong IGA solutions and the implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) can streamline and protect classroom technology for students and staff alike in order to meet compliances.

Learn more about MFA and SSO

Outdated IT

Many higher education organisations use outdated IT infrastructures with poor user experience. Limited budget and resources can pose an obstacle for seamless, secure technological environments. Intragen’s IGA solutions are scalable and adaptable based on your organisation’s budget and resources.

Learn more about IGA
IAM for higher education

Know your weaknesses

You can’t improve your IAM if you don’t know how good your organisation’s systems currently are. Intragen’s IAM Maturity Assessment can help identify security weaknesses and provide recommendations to simplify and automate your identity management.

Learn more about IAM assessments

IT support

If your organisation does not have an expert IT team in-house, you can trust Intragen to manage your systems, resolve problems before they arise and ensure that you meet regulations and remain secured.

Find out more about the support we offer


Your corporate security and productivity rely on experience and expertise to plan, design and deliver solutions. You shouldn’t waste your own valuable time when Intragen provides security assessments to determine what your current security looks like and where you want to be. Our expert team of consultants have years of experience executing identity and security projects.

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Avoid cyber-attacks and optimise productivity with our range of solutions, implemented by our expert team of consultants and tailored to your organisation’s needs. Find out what solutions you could implement in your business for guaranteed compliance, smooth access and strong security.

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