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Empower the
end user

A centralised, one-click log on process reduces delays and inconvenience while maintaining security.

Verify every user's identity

Continuous and adaptive authentication and authorisation enables efficient working without risk.

Streamline remote working

Taking contextual factors into account reduces disruption and increases security when working from anywhere.

Balance security
and UX

A synergised approach keeps users free of frustrating security measures without compromising on safety.

Streamline with single sign-on

The more we digitalise, the more applications there are requiring log-in credentials. Many organisations leverage Single Sign-On (SSO) to tackle this challenge for some applications but fail to apply it for all. Separate authentication processes for each application hinders productivity and leaves potential security vulnerabilities.

SSO enables one-click access to a single, intuitive dashboard with all the applications needed for an employee’s job. It removes the need for multiple passwords and streamlines the log-in process.


Your zero trust journey

Many enterprise access processes are built on the implicit assumption that IT infrastructure is inherently trustworthy.

This can present a security risk to the organisation.

Zero Trust is about replacing inherent trust with adaptive verification and authorisation policies and processes. Access Management solutions enable the continuous authentication of identities in your organisation to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access.

Read the blog on Adaptive Trust

Facilitate work-from-anywhere

Remote working should be as easy as possible now that it’s become the norm. Organisations have had to tighten security measures as their employees started to work from anywhere. Extra security layers can often lead to a clunky digital experience and unhappy employees.

Access Management solutions with Adaptive Trust account for contextual factors, such as device or location, to determine the appropriate level of authentication. This reduces frustration in users while maintaining robust authentication security.


Synergise SSO and MFA

Organisations leverage Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to add layers of security to the log-on process. When used with Single Sign-On (SSO), users receive both a seamless and secure digital experience.

However, with a poor solution, or if users are not on-boarded well, MFA can hinder user experience by causing confusion over too many security layers. This could result in hundreds or thousands of employees wasting IT helpdesk time and money.

Trusting Intragen’s experts to guide your Zero Trust journey will ensure a unified and synergised combination of Access Management solutions that balance security with user experience: your employees are happy, and your data is protected.

Read the blog on the importance of investing in SSO and MFA


We are IAM innovators. Out-of-the-box thinkers.

Everything our expert, dedicated team of IAM professionals do is focused on one outcome: accelerating your IAM success.


We share your mindset

We become an extension of your business, collaborating closely to plan, deliver and manage your IAM projects at pace and with confidence.

Growth-focused IAM

We cut through IAM complexity with simple proven identity transformation solutions geared to accelerating time to value and lasting return on investment.


Proven and simple

Our innovation-led identity transformation methodology is proven across countless deployments and delivered by the sharpest IAM talent in the industry.


From enhancing your security posture to managing the entire lifecycle of user identities.
Our solutions have you covered.

Industry Governance
 & Administration

Achieve desired outcomes faster and reduce the risk of failure with industry-leading IGA-as-a-Service.

Learn more

Privileged Access Management

Effectively control and monitor privileged users who have access above and beyond standard users.

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Customer Identity 
& Access Management

Create an agile, seamless digital experience for those most precious people: your customers.

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Access Management SSO & MFA

Control user access to resources, using SSO to simplify authentication and help people work smarter.

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How robust is your IAM maturity?

The Intragen IAM Maturity Assessment Service provides an intelligent, independent assessment of your current IAM security, compliance and business practices. Receive actionable, expert recommendations to drive your future-state IAM strategy.

Learn more about Maturity Assessment

Talk to us!

IAM is in our DNA. It’s all we do. Trust Intragen to secure your perimeter-less future.
