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What is Privileged Access Management?

When you go to a hotel, your key only works for your room. The cleaners, though, have a master key for all the rooms. This is like a privileged account. If the hotel master key ends up in the wrong hands, all the rooms are at risk. If your privileged accounts aren’t protected, your business is at risk of breach. Privileged Access Management (PAM) protects critical data by securing, controlling, and monitoring elevated accounts. Watch the short overview.


Focus on your business

Peace of mind knowing your privileged accounts are secured and monitored.

Verify every user's identity

Accelerate your path to compliance with security, visibility and reporting.

Establish accountability

Ensure there is individual accountability for privileged actions.
Mitigate security risks

Mitigate security risks

Streamline the mitigation of security, business and operational risks.

Sleep easy with continuous monitoring and automated security

41% of organisations do not use Privileged Access Management (PAM) at all, but privileged access is responsible for many breaches that could cause irreparable damage to your organisation. 

With a PAM solution in place, you can sleep easy knowing the elevated accounts in your IT system are continuously monitored. When anomalous activity is detected, automated security responses can be triggered to immediately prevent damage. 

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Reduce your security risks

Identity Governance (IGA) and Access Management (AM) are not sufficient to manage privileged accounts. Administrative privileges host a wealth of risks for business operations. 

Implementing PAM to automatically manage and secure privileged credentials is critical to mitigate security risks. 

Read our blog on preventative security

Accountability for privileged activity

When privileged actions are exploited without visibility or record, IT leaders are unable to ensure their elevated accounts are secure. 

PAM provides the ability to establish individual accountability for the performance of privileged actions. With session monitoring and behaviour analytics, you can ensure the data these accounts have access to is protected.

Read our blog on PAM and accountability
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Make compliance simple

Organisations often struggle with compliance due to lack of visibility or reporting. Fines for non-compliance can be detrimental to a business. 

PAM facilitates compliance without disrupting employee activity by:

  • enabling visibility of privileged account activity,
  • having defined security policies and rule-based access,
  • logging activity and audit trails.

Read the blog on the importance of investing in SSO and MFA

Privileged Access Management:
Why It Matters

Download the white paper to learn more about how Privileged Access Management works and its importance for your overall security posture.


Download now


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Industry Governance
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Privileged Access Management

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Customer Identity 
& Access Management

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Access Management SSO & MFA

Control user access to resources, using SSO to simplify authentication and help people work smarter.

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Ready to talk to us?

Fill out your details to hear back promptly from one of our experts about leveraging PAM to:

  • Mitigate the security risks associated with privileged accounts
  • Establish individual accountability
  • Help to ensure compliance through reporting and visibility
  • Allow yourself peace of mind to focus on the business